In this post I’ll share with you how you can prepare and protect your family in case a hurricane makes landfall, essential items and tips especially those with small children and pets.
Protect your family this hurricane season, Don’t get caught in the storm unprepared.
Hurricane season officially began on June 1, 2020, and will end on November 30, 2020.
Please note: we do not over prepare, there are very thorough lists available online in case of catastrophic conditions, evacuations, such as 72 hour bags and more.
In the 20+ years of our family living in Florida, we’ve never once had to evacuate. The last major hurricane we encountered, we lost power for 30 hours and willingly headed to a hotel in another city for comfort since we have a small child.
I’ve made a small video of our experience with Hurricane Irma, which you can watch here.
Keep that in mind when planning for a hurricane, we’ve never experienced such dire conditions but it can happen and of course, you want to be prepared for whatever comes.
Hurricanes can be unpredictable and change paths and strengthen suddenly.
With all that said, don’t panic! I know it can be a stressful situation, especially for first-timers, those with small children and animals.
Here’s what we usually keep in stock and some suggestions for your family.
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Hurricane Prep for Families with Small Children
Hurricane Basics
Water – It’s recommended one gallon of drinking water per person for up to 14 days. You’ll also need the same amount of water per person for cooking and hygiene purposes. Don’t forget to also have water available for any family pets.
Side Note: We like to fill up a bathtub with water, we also have this drain stopper for maximum water capacity.
Ice – Ice can be used to preserve food in case of a power outage. Tip – You can also freeze your drinking water bottles to use as ice packs to help preserve and drink as needed.
Food – Stock up on any non-perishable packaged or canned food items to last you and your family 14 days.
Some food ideas (You can also purchase a 30-day Emergency Food Supply ready to go)
- Canned meat such as sardines, tuna, spam, etc.
- Canned Fruits and vegetables such as corn, peas, beans are filling and easy to eat.
- Boxed or canned Juices and Milk, powdered milk is also an option.
- Nut butters, granola bars, jellies
- Cereals
- Soups
- Breads, cookies, chips & crackers
- Raw Vegetables and fresh fruits
- Don’t forget any special foods for babies and the elderly.
Coolers – Keep coolers filled with ice on hand to keep your perishable goods in. This rolling one has just enough space.
For the Home
- Flashlights and Lanterns (Battery or solar powered)
- Extra Batteries
- Fully charged phones and external batteries
- Portable Grill – Propane, charcoal or sterno (Please use all outdoors)
- Matches in a water proof container
- Manual bottle/can openers
- Disposable Plates, bowls, cups and eating utensils. (set)
- Napkins, paper towels and cleaning supplies
- Folding Camp Toaster – I just thought this would come in handy, it’s pretty cool
Health Essentials
- First Aid Kits
- Vitamins
- Have prescription drugs refilled ahead of time, there might be a shortage.
- Hygiene/toiletry items (women’s | men’s)
- Antibacterial Hand Soap/Wipes
- Trash Bags
- Extra Toilet paper
Extras & Good to Have
- Fill up your car gas tanks
- Wine & Beer
- Cash – Have extra cash in small bills in case businesses start to open and have no way of accepting credit/debit card payments.
- Invest in a Generator – you can purchase them online for next time.
- Fire extinguishers
- Heavy Duty Outdoor extension cords
- Plastic Tarps
- Rope
- Basic Tool Kit
- Heavy Duty Gloves
Hurricane Prep especially for Small Children
Small children and pets have the hardest time with storms, from lack of electricity to loud thunder, you might have to stay hunkered down for quite some time.
Keep a “FUN KIT” around for children, with their favorite toys, age-appropriate board games, coloring books, stickers, play-doh sets – They’re all great distractions for the little ones.
To be extra safe during a hurricane
Pack a 72 hour backpack with change of clothes for each member of the family, and keep important documents inside a Ziploc bag in case you need to evacuate in a hurry.
Make sure every family member knows what to do in case of an emergency.
For detailed information on hurricanes, visit the National Hurricane Center’s website, they also a have a Safety Tips & Resources page with useful information, while you’re there visit their prepare for a hurricane page.
Stay safe everyone!
Share this Hurricane Prep for Families with Small Children with those living in hurricane effected areas. Spread awareness!
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