Keeping Your Home Organized
With the kids all out of school and running around creating chaos around the house we must put a plan together to keep the house organized during the summer break. My kiddo is not yet in school but I am certainly creating an atmosphere where I am able to keep my home clean and my son fed, clean and entertained.
When things are in order we think better and can be better utilize our time.
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Yes, I am one of those moms that has her house neat & tidy. I keep a journal of my to-do’s and try to follow it as much as possible. There are the occasional dirty dishes in the sink and toys around the living room as with any other home but it gets taken care of every day.
So how do I do it? I have a toddler running around at all times but I have a cleaning schedule to keep my home organized that I follow religiously. I have days for certain types of laundry, days for certain areas of the house for cleaning and schedule bigger jobs throughout the month.
There’s no way to keep track of it all without tip number 1. I’d be lost without my bullet journal.
Keeping Your Home Organized
The first tip is to write down all that needs to be cleaned. Once you have written those down, separate them into similar tasks, then you can specify the days you will do each of those cleaning tasks.
It’s different for everyone and every home has different priorities. I don’t care much for toys during the day but I am a stickler for things being clean.
I’ve seen loads of photos of piles of laundry. I keep a laundry schedule that won’t allow our clothes to get so huge that I can’t keep up. I schedule most of my day and my laundry is definitely a biggie.
Laundry days are as follows: Mondays (Personal laundry: mine, hubs & kiddo), Thursdays (Personal laundry: mine, hubs & kiddo), Fridays (Towels, which are all white to make things easier when washing & bedding).
Putting clothes away is what’s most tedious for most people I would think, it certainly is for me. Usually, If I don’t put it away as soon as they are dry, it gets some alone time in the basket. So it’s best to put it away quickly.
Fridays are also when I clean the bathrooms & kitchen.
This one is the toughest for me. I tend to be on social media all day and I see how much of a time drainer it is. What I have been doing is using Spotify on my phone (music app) and turning on some music while I’m doing chores do my mind doesn’t drift into never-ending social media scrolling.
I vacuum every other day or as needed. We have carpet and the kiddo drops food everywhere. So it’s done often.
Since I keep the house organized & tidy throughout the week I don’t have to take so long cleaning up. It gets easier when you schedule it out.
Big tasks get placed into days I don’t have so much to do. I try to do it when I have the most energy, which is after breakfast. Things like wiping down blinds & windows are bigger jobs and things I do not enjoy doing but as a necessary evil, I schedule their cleanings on days when the load is lighter.
My house is mostly clean at all times, but keep in mind I’m a homebody and also schedule errands & events on similar days. You won’t find me going out every day unless to the playground (which happens to be across the street from our home).
This cleaning schedule might not be for everyone, it’s something that works for me and the amount of time I’m willing to put into keeping my house clean and organized. I don’t work outside of the home which gives me a more flexible cleaning schedule.
But keeping a list and organizing errands and to-dos is beneficial to any and everyone.
Hope this helps you in some way and if you have any more tips, please add them to the comments below. Keeping your home organized can be done with a little bit of planning.
Thanks for stopping in!

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I love the idea of keeping a journal! Lists are so helpful! Putting down electronics is another awesome tip.
Keeping a journal has been a lifesaver! I carry it everywhere.
I too can be guilty of getting distracted by social media while I should be getting things done around the house. Keeping a list is a great idea though – a good visual reminder of what I have actually accomplished and what I still need to complete!
Awesome tips! I don’t know how I would do anything i life, cleaning and organizing included if it weren’t for list!
Ugh. I wish I could be this organized! 3 little kiddos running around messing up what I just cleaned has depleted my motivation. Haha I definitely need to be better at making lists and having a cleaning schedule. Good tips.
these are great tips! Especially your scheduling tip. I always feel overloaded with housework on the weekends, but if I did a little bit each day, all that would be left for the weekends is laundry and grocery shopping. I like playing music or podcasts on headphones while I’m cleaning, it helps me not feel bored. play some rock and roll while dusting and cleaning the kitchen!