Read Across America Day
Tomorrow is Read Across America Day. And what a fantastic day to celebrate. I’m steering away from the sad posts and moving on to the good things in life. Growing up I wasn’t much of a pleasure reader, although I did find pleasure in reading the dictionary. Yea, go figure. When I reached my 20’s I suddenly began buying books & reading more.
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This is certainly a habit I want my son to have and I assume most parents would be grateful for a child who loves to read. But with anything we teach our children, it’s usually by imitating our own habits that they learn. After becoming a mom though, my reading has been much slower. I order a bunch of books off of Amazon but as of late I haven’t finished any of them.
I always finish a post I blogged about with a “books to read” part with links down below. These are books I’m currently trying to finish or have already or sometimes when I just recently purchased one I’m interested in reading I add that on as well. “Books wash away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” It was Pablo Picasso that said that, well he said that about Art but it works just the same.
I’m highly interested in parenting books, books about personal growth as a mom, wife and Christ follower. I’m interested in the science behind the brain of a child and how it works and how I can better my parenting to reflect that. Since we just moved into our new home, things are a little out of order but my books are in their right place. Some on the book shelf and some sitting unashamed on my nightstand teasing me daily.
1. Praying Circles Around Your Children by Mark Batterson
This is a short book by NY Times Bestselling author of The Circle Maker, in this book he shares a perfect blend of biblical yet practical advice that will revolutionize your relationship with your children.
2. Strong Mothers, Strong Sons by Meg Meeker, M.D.
Lessons mothers need to raise extraordinary men. Meg has books geared towards daughters as well.
I hope you have a chance to read them along or grab 3 books you already own and get to reading.
Reading is a great stress reliever, helps with sleep, keeps our mind sharp as we age, and a little bit of knowledge doesn’t hurt either.
My reading corner is set, but one thing we haven’t gotten around to setting up is Nico’s reading corner. His books are just in a basket for now. His reading corner is in my to-do list as soon as I finish with all the moving boxes. You can follow my Reading Corner Ideas board on Pinterest below.
Follow Young Love Mommy’s board Reading Corner Ideas on Pinterest.
Books to read
1.For the Love: Fighting for Grace in a World of Impossible Standards by Jen Hatmaker
2.The Absorbent Mind by Maria Montessori
3.Bringing Up Bébé: One American Mother Discovers the Wisdom by Pamela Druckerman
4.Praying Circles Around Your Children by Mark Batterson
5.Motherhood Realized: An Inspiring Anthology for the Hardest Job You’ll Ever Love by Power of Moms
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