Sharing with you some quick and easy Halloween pumpkin decoration ideas.
With Halloween just a few couple of days away I invited my very best friend Becky from Topshop Stone to share with you guys some easy pumpkin decor with things you might have laying around your house. Something old, something new or something borrowed!!!
What you will need:
Something Old
Something New
Something Borrowed
1. Sparkle Princess
So I just covered the little one in Elmer’s glue, added some glitter to a disposable plate and rolled it around on the glitter. Super easy.
2. Cute and Dainty
3. Manly Pumpkin
So just pin it in to the pumpkin so you don’t compromise the brooch and so you can save it to when it goes back in style.
5. Family Pumpkin
I added our family’s initial to the pumpkin with a black Sharpie and added some golden touches with some glitter. Add some squiggly lines, polka dots and finalized it with the year our family was established. This one is having on our front porch.
You can really get as creative as you like! The pumpkin is your oyster. Got ninja masks? Make a ninja pumpkin, got turtle mask , paint your pumpkin green and you got a ninja pumpkin turtle … Hey even if it’s not green you would recognize Leonardo anywhere (or just paint it green).
I hope you enjoyed this post and get your creative juices flowing. I’d like to thank Becky again for making these pumpkins so adorable!! Now go get your pumpkins and supplies!
Thanks for reading!

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