Periscope Prompts
Last Month the gals over at Working Mom Magic and Girl On the Move Blog came up with the brilliant idea of having prompts to talk about on Periscope. If being in front of the camera isn’t your thing, like it isn’t mine this would be quite helpful to know what to talk about. I believe in turning up when you can add value. I don’t want to waste anyone’s precious time babbling about nothing. These prompts will make things smoother.
If you are new to Periscope, it’s a social media platform that’s basically a webcam where people can see you or whatever you are showing/talking about and they can write comments, ask you questions as you are broadcasting.
You can toggle between allowing only your followers to see your broadcasts or have it be open to anyone in the world. One thing to keep in mind, if you are scoping from home people will be able to zoom in an see your location down to the street you might be on. If this is something that’s a bit too intruding for you, select only your followers can see your broadcasts. If you are live to the world, you can block people that might make an inappropriate comment by clicking on their name without exiting the screen.
You can only post comments when the scoper is live, be sure to give lots of hearts for encouragement. You can also give hearts if you are catching the broadcast on replay. We love that too
Broadcasts will be available on your profile for replay for a period of 24 hours. You can save it to your phone, if it’s a broadcast you’d like to keep and post somewhere, like for example, it automatically saves your scopes and people can check it out anytime.
October Scopers Challenge Prompts:
Don’t forget to use #OctoberScopers on your broadcast title so we can find you!!
You can find me on Periscope at Young Love Mommy, make sure to also follow Lauren from Working Mom Magic & Julie from Girl on the Move Blog.
Hope you all participate, and say hello!!Thanks for reading.

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