I’m so glad August is done and over with. We were supposed to have been hit by Hurricane Erika this past weekend, luckily it dissipated and we got some rain and thunder instead. That was about it!
Every time a new month starts I get excited because it kind of feels like New Years! You get to write all of your goals down and hopefully at the end of the month, you gotten some things if not most out of the way.
I’ve been pretty slow with writing and following up on the things I’ve been wanting to accomplish for this blog. And life seems to get in the way sometimes. I am a creature of habit and it’s hard to get back on a set schedule once I’ve stopped one.
But I’ve learned to deal with that flaw of mine and keep going. Eventually (read soon I hope) I’ll get into the habit of writing regularly on specific days OR maybe I won’t. Moms don’t really get to go by their own rules, especially moms with little kids.
I hope to bring you yet another giveaway sometime this September and write about some cool things. Now that motherhood isn’t much of a surprise anymore to me things have died down a little. And I’m totally okay with that. It was about time things were a bit normal as far as “normal” goes in parenting. I’m glad you all are sticking around to see what happens next. Still no word on where we will move to.
But hopefully we’ll have a place of our own soon. There are some projects I’d like to get started on that require that. Well, that’s it folks. Just jotting some things down and kick my butt a little bit.
Thanks for following!!

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So glad I ran across your blog your posts are so uplifting. Good luck on the move and finding a home.
Thanks you Rachel!