Sensory Issues with Sand? My child hates sand, how can I make them like it?

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Does your child have a phobia of sand? Read on to find out how to overcome it and our incredible progress!
Hello Lovelies,
UPDATE: July 20, 2020 – My son is now 6 years old and ABSOLUTELY love the beach more than anything, so don’t worry! In fact, we live in front of the beach. It just takes time for kids to get used to certain textures. Hang in there!
Sensory Issues with Sand? Here’s the story of how I turned my son’s aversion to sand.
I’m right there with you! I’ve been attempting lots of different things with my son in regards to his sand aversion. We are based out of south Florida and staying away from the beach is next to impossible!! But we have managed. But the wait is over. We need to get him to like sand!!
I don’t necessarily know what irks him the most about it, but I do know he doesn’t like walking on it or having it touch his skin. He’ll start wiping it off like it’s dirty.
Which made me decide to try some hands-on sensorial activities with him to get him out of this beach sand funk.
I love going to the beach although after becoming a mom I’ve been a bit apprehensive about it. With all the shark attacks happening all over and rip currents I myself have been hesitant of entering the water.
This is a new kind of fear for me and I really only realized it yesterday while we were at the beach.
I did not want to go into the water! I was shocked at myself. This has never happened to me and it caught me a bit off guard. What is happening to me? Anyone of you has had this happen with them after becoming a mom?
Anyways, getting back to my son’s problem with sand. In the past couple of months, I’ve been slowly introducing him to “sand activities“.
Steps we took to “cure” his sand phobia
1- First, we started off in your own backward
digging for sand and filling up buckets. This one has been easy. He enjoys this activity and has no problem with it being dirt.
He will cringe a bit if any of it falls on him but he’s been slowly getting used to it. He is fine with dirt, beach sand is usually the culprit of his meltdowns.
The bigger deal was walking on sand. He will hold on to me for dear life and not let go if we are near sand, especially at the beach.
If somehow I manage to get rid of his grip of death and try to put him on the sand standing he coils his legs up in protest. (Notice the sandals – get these adorable Baby Havaianas here).
2 -Refocus their attention
I found that keeping his mind off the sand works great. This time I began gathering seashells for him to look at that, I was even able to place him directly on the sand, with LOTS of hesitation and whining but once he was down and entertained by the shells he got over it for a brief moment.
3- Exaggerate how Fun something is
The other day I laid a towel down and placed him with sandals on it. I again brought out the bucket and shovel and he was playing with the sand without touching it.
4- Add Exciting Toys to Curb Sensory Issues with Sand
In the hopes of getting him to like the beach more, I purchased a beach sand toy set (I love that this has it’s own carrying case and everything fits back in). As soon as I brought that out I began filling the bucket with seawater.
He definitely liked that. He loves water (as most kids do) and loved dropping the bucket of water on the sand.
I know eventually this won’t be an issue for him but somehow I feel we’re missing out on a ton of summer activities because of his aversion to sand but I’m glad these sensory activities have been helping him get better.
So how about you?
Have anything to add to help kids with an aversion to sand get over it? Comment below, I would love more ideas.
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Thanks for stopping in! Good luck!
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I am right there with you on the shark attack fear, but I've had mine for years. My little ones have had sand aversions before, but I never really gave it that much thought because it was typically mild. However, I can see how it could be a bigger problem for a child with sensory problems. I really like your attempts to introduce him slowly. That's definitely smart thinking considering you live so close to the beach. Good luck with helping your little cutie to overcome his fear.
My little guy loves sand, but hates dirt! And here I am thinking boys LOVED playing in the dirt, lol.
I have a general fear of water but the beach- I can sit there all day, every day
My son used to hate the sand when he was younger.. and getting messy in general. Now he has NO issues getting all sandy at the beach!
I thought I was alone on this, my kids all hate sand! What gives? Luckily, we live in the desert, but…. I really like the beach! Great post and your little guy is super cute!