Sleeping Schedules of Toddlers
H A P P Y T U E S D A Y M A M A’ S!
Hope you all survived the Monday blues unscathed. I had a pretty calm one, took care of some house chores, had lunch with my parents that were visiting from Jacksonville & worked on the blog a bit. (See? I’m posting again) So happy to be back to doing things for me.
I didn’t realize how tired my kiddo was last night, I didn’t put him down for his usual afternoon nap and he was super cranky last night while I was making dinner. That’s not out of the norm for most toddlers. I’ve seen many pictures of children’s tantrums while mom is cooking.
While my husband was having dinner I decided to take the little one on a short walk just to get him out of the house and calm down a little. If I want him to fall asleep I’ll walk with him in the stroller, if I want him awake I’ll his trike. But just a few short minutes into our little walk he began moaning. I looked down he had his head laying on this water cup.
He has never been so sleepy to the point of falling over while doing an activity, other than car rides, strollers, baby carrier & beds those are the only times he will fall asleep.
I’ve seen many videos on YouTube of parents filming their child eating and falling over sleeping.
I guess we really did a number on him over the weekend with traveling to Orlando. I rushed home with him and put him straight to bed. When I laid him down he was already a goner, a quick diaper change and that’s it. He was out like a light. Poor kiddo.
I knew he had a rough few days and he likes to be a part of everything. He doesn’t want to miss the fun and fall asleep. Who does that?
I swear I’m going to get you back to your regularly scheduled naps and you’ll be fighting me to go sleep in no time.
How about you? Has your child ever surprised you by doing something like this? Have it on video? Share it in the comments below.
Struggling with naps & bedtime ? Check out this book
The Sleepeasy Solution: The Exhausted Parent’s Guide to Getting Your Child to Sleep from Birth to Age 5
Thank you for stopping in!
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