Father’s Day Weekend
Hey there lovelies,
I hope you all had a fabulous weekend! I wrote this post on Monday but didn’t get to finish it early enough to post (case of the Mondays) but I’m glad you are here. We’ve survived the most hated day on the planet.
Father’s Day weekend has passed and I didn’t get to write a post about little crafts I was gathering. Oh well!! I got busy. In a previous post I talked about how we had listed our home.
Well, a couple of days later we got an offer. FULL PRICE BABY! So this is the super official notice that we are moving.
So my house now is a mess, I’m going through all of my drawers throwing things out that I’ve been hoarding (you know you hoard stuff too). It’s so hard to let go some times, but I’m doing it.. cleaning house ladies. I ordered some boxes online and I’m packing away.
We’ll be moving in with my in-laws for as long as we need, since we are still house shopping and we’ll be buying a fixer-upper. So it will be a good couple of months before we move into our new home. I’ll keep you all updated on the house hunt and also all of the renovation process.
We had a very laid back but cool Father’s Day. We started the day off by going to our church (You can watch past sermons there), the message really touched my heart. We sometimes lose sight of our goals and get discouraged on our journey. Everyday is the same, especially if you’re a mother, but if we just change our attitudes, do things with a happy heart we’ll feel better. Change up your routine, just because you have to do the same thing over again doesn’t mean you have to do it the same way. It really placed a breath of fresh air in my spirit.
After church, we met my in-laws for a yummy lunch at a favorite local restaurant of ours. Then off to Town Center mall we went. We walked around for a few hours (added bonus? Burned lunch calories) Really tired the kiddo, he skipped his afternoon nap but ran pretty much the entire mall.
We came home to watch the Brazil x Venezuela soccer game and chatted some more over coffee and sandwiches.
By 6:30 pm the kiddo had his bath and dinner and was down at around 7:20 – Score for mommy!
We settled in for a suspenseful movie, No Good Deed, if you haven’t watched it, you totally should. We had my husband’s youngest sister and her husband over at night for that.
A great time was had by all. How about you? How was your Father’s day weekend? Did anything special for the daddy’s in your life? Tell me about it in the comments below.
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