Get to Know Me
I was nominated by fellow mommy blogger Mama by Fire, she has a wonderful blog and shares crafts, reviews, the daily happenings of a family of 4. Check out her blog.
The idea of this award is to spread the blogger love and get to know each other a bit better.
The Rules:
1. Link to the person who nominated you.
2. Add the award logo.
3. Answer the questions your nominator has asked.
4. Nominate a few other blogs and let them know.
5. Ask your nominees 10 questions
1. How did you come up with the name of your blog?
A few years back I started a blog with a similar name that I never really wrote in. I even had forgotten I had it. When I logged into blogger it showed up and I just simply tweaked the name and added mommy at the end, it was that simple.
2. Post the last picture on your phone.
Cute right? Was out for a walk with the little one and stumbled upon it.
3. What is something people may not know about you?
I write several to-do lists, and sometimes I get so overwhelmed with how much I have to take care of that I end up doing NOTHING. I’m the biggest procrastinator you’ve ever met.
4. What’s your daytime drink? Coffee, tea, energy drink?
In the morning I always have a cup of black coffee but never alone. I have to eat in order to drink.
5. Have you gone to, or are you going to, any blogging conferences this year?
I have not, but who knows? Maybe in the near future. It would sure be fun.
6. How long have you been blogging and why did you start?
One year and a couple of weeks, I started as a way to vent/share about the daily happenings of a new mom. Now it’s turned into more of “I want to share valuable information”
7. What is the most valuable blogging advice you have gotten? Bonus-who gave it to you?
Stop focusing on little aspects of your blog, as far as look, logo or anything else and just write. Content is what’s important. I have yet to follow through on this but it’s something I’m striving to accomplish.
8. What is your favorite post and why? (post a link!!)
12 Things I wish I had done Before Giving Birth is my favorite post because it’s so real and it’s things that maybe you’re not thinking about. It really comes from a place of hurt, emotion and guilt for me.
9. Where is your favorite place to visit, in your area, with your family?
I love going to any beach or museum. I like to visit a different place every time, I love new experiences.
10. When do you write most often? Do you have a set schedule everyday?
Most often isn’t something I’m doing right now. I write when I have the time or when I decide that chore will be done another time. I wish I had a set schedule to write.
Now onto my nominations and questions – Participation no required but I hope you all play along!
1. Alana of Healthy Family Simple Budget
2. Meredith of Mommy A to Z Blog
1.How did you come up with your blog name?
2.What is the source of Inspiration behind your blog?
3.Where did you grow up/where do you live?
4.Something Interesting about yourself?
5.What is your favorite post and why? (post a link!!)
6.What is the most valuable blogging advice you have gotten? Bonus-who gave it to you?
7.Post the last picture on your phone.
8.Where is your favorite place to visit, in your area, with your family?
9.When do you write most often? Do you have a set schedule everyday?
10.Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Thanks for Reading!
We are twinsies on the list thing. I will write a million lists and then get overwhelmed at what I should do first on the list and end up not doing anything at all. On the upside when I am able to get things done on my list I feel so accomplished!
I don't think my last comment went through-if so, just disregard this one… Thank you for accepting the award! It was fun getting to know you better! I love writing lists too. Only so I can cross things off so I feel some sort of accomplishment. Thank you for your kind words too! 🙂
Yay! Thank you for participating-it was fun getting to know you better! I write a ton of to-do lists too-they make me happy. And I really like crossing things off! Thank you for your kind words!