Happy 2015
Hi Everyone!
I have not left you. But I am so relieved to have taken a little break and will now be resuming my regularly scheduled posts. But just not yet.
I’ve been in party mode since November and I need a much needed time out to clean house.
Everything is pretty much out of place in my house and I can’t stand it. So I’m going to tackle on big house projects over the next few weeks.
As some of you know my little guy turned one just yesterday! and we had such a great party for him. I’ll put some posts up about it. There was a lot of DIY, so there might be some crafting posts coming soon. Hopefully sooner than later.
I’m so grateful to have been able to be a stay at home mom for a year now and see all of his growth first hand.
I know it must be really tough for those working moms having to miss some of these steps. You have my sentiments mama.
Now that he is one, my brain has been working really hard. Thinking of what’s coming next for me, for him and for my family. What examples I want to set for him. Now the really tough, get your butt in gear part comes along and it’s really frightening. But it’s exciting nonetheless.
I hope you’ll stick around and follow along. My plans for the coming year are still being put into place and look forward to sharing lots of great progress with all of you.
Hope everyone has been having a great year so far. Mine will technically start today.
Welcome back! I hope you figure out what your next step is… 😉
Thank you!