New Years Resolution
Photo Credit: Mario Pleitez
Sorry to break it to you, but you won’t have THAT body back. You’ll have another, slightly rounder maybe, softer breasts, maybe some stretch marks. IT’S OKAY!
You made a human being. Your body went through tremendous work, it stretched in unimaginable ways. You are amazing! With that said, you can have an even better body. It will depend on how bad you want it.
About a month or so ago I challenged myself to become a healthier version of me. Some of it I stuck to, some half way through and one in particular I’ve been struggling with a lot. Sitting down to have some quiet time with God has been tough for me.
But I’m happy to say I’ve lost all of the baby weight.. on the scale at least. There’s definitely some fat around the belly that wasn’t there before. But the hips are back to normal, I fit in all of my old jeans.
Now with the New Year approaching it’s time to get those resolutions put in place and hopefully stick to them. According to,
- 45% of Americans make a New Year’s resolution
- A measly 8% actually succeed!!!
That is some very negative statistics to jump through. The odds here are not in my favor.
I’ve been making resolutions for 10+ years now, I have to say I’m not one of the 8% but I’m not super strict about it, I’m more of a let’s get a few of these covered and I’m satisfied. So going back to our bodies.
I didn’t do much to get my weight down. I had only a few left to lose that just wouldn’t budge. So for about two weeks, I had mostly salads, veggies and chicken breast for dinner. Some infrequent 40 minutes to one hour walks with the baby and that’s it. Now I’m still at my normal weight, still take my infrequent walks.
Here’s hoping in the year to come that I’ll be more committed to my health and make the time either hit the gym, join a class or even exercise to the few unopened DVD workouts I have purchased in the past. (You know you have some too!)
Do you make New Year resolutions? How many have you stuck with? Any tips on how to succeed? They are tough!
Good luck to all of you who will be once again attempting to better yourselves.
Thanks for stopping in!
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I was never one of the 8% either until last year when I made a firm resolution to lose weight. I'm happy to say that I lost 80 pounds up until this point and have another 30 to go before I reach my goal. I know I will accomplish that in 2015. 🙂 Good luck with yours!
That is so awesome Krissy! Good on you girl. and thank you!
That's great that you were able to lose the baby weight. I never really make resolutions that I know I can't keep. I just try to be a little bit better. For instance, I am determined to keep up my running and increase my weight training. I also want to be a little more organized. I hope you have a happy new year!