Being a Healthy Mom
Hi everyone!
I’ve been dealing with my procrastination for way too long. Nicolas is about to turn 9 months and I still haven’t gotten off my butt. Yes, I could work out with him, while he naps, at night if I really wanted to after he’s off to bed. But I don’t want to and that’s the truth. There are other things I deem more important like mindlessly scrolling through blog posts, Instagram & Facebook (By the way, go and like my both of those pages for me, will ya?)
Being a mom is a daily struggle of what gets done first in the never ending to-do list. It’s about time my well-being was on that list.
So here I am, publicly stating that I vow to work out at least 3 times a week. I will also eat healthier! Not just pick up whatever I can get my hands on as quickly as possible.
What say you, wanna join me?
My weight is fluctuating between 131-133 depending on what delicious food I ate. But that needs to stop.
If you follow along you’ve read that I went for my first run sans child a couple of days ago. And I didn’t run again. Why? I’m in pain. Even my obliques are hurting from running. My core must be really loose from pregnancy.
But it made me happy. So ladies, who would like to join me in this battle down hill? I’m close to my pre-pregnancy weight but I don’t look or feel anything like I did before. Things have definitely shifted. So I’ll need to lose more weight in order to go back to my original size. But it doesn’t end there. I wasn’t happy with my weight then (I would give an eye for that body now).
I won’t be the same that I know. I’ll be better! I want to be healthier. Not only physically but I need to reconnect with God and myself as a woman. This will be an overhaul of me completely.
If you’re joining me let me know in the comments below, post your goal weight along with what you’ll be doing to improve your body, mind and soul. My goal weight is around 115. I plan on running/walking, eating more salads, fruits & veggies, more water and having a daily devotional with God!
I hope to update you all on my progress soon with great news.
I hope to update you all on my progress soon with great news.
Once again thanks for stopping by and reading my ramblings.
It can be so hard to find the time, especially when you have a baby that fights naps (mine totally did too; we are in a good place now, but I know it's always changing). I signed up for my first half marathon this November, so I really have to get out and run. I can only do my long runs on the weekends since it's way too difficult to push the jogging stroller for more than a couple miles for me. Honestly, I don't know how much I weigh because our scale is broken. I usually don't pay to close attention though. Instead, I focus on how my clothes are fitting. Bonus: You can always say, "oh, my clothes must have shrunk in the dyer!" haha
All the way in. Tipo afundando de tão "in"… Like my belly! Hahahahaha (to rindo mas é sério!)
I gave myself a year after both my kids. I just couldn't get my butt to the gym any sooner! I swear its something with hormones! 😉 You sound really motivated, you go girl!
I finally have gotten to where I want to be after having my daughter… she is 15 months old. I too have a hard time working out, but I eat a very clean diet! Nothing I eat/cook is hard… Just clean unprocessed, no fake garbage, mostly organic food. I was slowly getting back to my old self again. Just stay focused and start slow so you don't burn yourself out!! Good luck looking forward to updates!
Great for setting goals! I am working on this right now too. Feel free to follow me on instagram 🙂 @bransonmerrill
I definitely go on and off the diet and exercise train. It is so hard with a one year old and a three year old. I am trying to get out and walk more and just bring the kids in the stroller, but there are always a thousand things to do.
Good luck! As soon as this baby is born, I'll be trying to lose some weight too.
Good for you! It's tough to find the time to workout as a mom, but I just do it as a family activity. The boys workout with me and I do active things with them daily. It's the only shot I have, plus it creates a healthy mindset for them too so that's a win! Keep up the good work.
Wow, how awesome. Good luck on your marathon!! I hope you'll blog about it. I've been meaning to sign up for one. But I barely get to shower let alone run a marathon!!
I've always been thin and never cared about how much I weighed or did anything to be thin. But now as I've gone over 30 things are not so easy anymore, especially after having the baby.
My clothes def. do not fit me (Sometimes I'll still wear my preggo pants LOL) but I've had to purchase some bigger sized items or else I would be stuck in my pjs all day. (which doesn't so bad)
Thank you the support!
Eu tirei uma foto this past weekend and I have a roll in my belly. Nao parece quando estou em pe. Mais tirei uma foto com o Nicolas q meu DEUS. Ai nao.. resolvi parar com essa palhacada.. Pq ROLL nao da nao. Vamos pra cima!
I've never been a gym person, just active. I don't think I'll ever be a gym person though.. which is scary. But Hopefully I'll stick with running and eating well. That should help!
Thanks for the support!
Thank you!! I had a c-section so I couldn't work out even if I wanted to and it definitely took me a good 6 months to feel like my insides weren't going to un-glue if I went for a run. But now I have no more excuses (other than lack of time of course)
Congrats on your soon to be here baby. and Good luck!!
I always make my own food too. I grew up with a Brazilian mom so I'm used to eating fresh food. I couldn't imagine eating out all the time or boxed/canned food. But I can't lie.. I do enjoy eating ramen noodles.. I don't know why but they are like comfort food to me.. there must crack or something in it. Cause I LOVE IT!! I use my own seasoning, I especially love it with curry. Here I am, talking about unhealthy things.. LOL Sorry! Ummm Broccoli.
Thanks for stopping in and for your support. I need it as you see.
Thanks for stopping in. I'll check your IG out.
That to-do list is a joy killer. Ahhh.. where are all my maids/personal assistants when I need them?
I couldn't begin to imagine what it's like to have two kids running around me. GOOD JOB for finding at least some time to work out. Thanks for the comment.
I hope to be more active when he's a bit bigger and is able to walk and actually listen to me. If that's even possible for a child. Thanks for the support. and Good job on raising active children.