My Getting Pregnant Story
It’s not what you think.. Not sharing kinky positions, just a funny story! Although I’m sure some of you wouldn’t mind the kink. LOL. We all know HOW it happened.
I’ve never been very child minded, you won’t see me going up to babies saying how cute they are or ask to pick them up, but I knew one day I wanted to be a mother. As the years passed I kept on saying maybe a little later and so on. The thought of becoming a mother eluded me. I just thought I was never ready, it’s a lot of responsibility that I didn’t think I had the ability to handle yet.
So now I have long hair, straight in the front and underneath the straight hair there’s a wavy patch growing. I don’t “do” my hair, I don’t use blow dryers or straighteners or curling irons, I’m not used to doing anything other than letting it air dry.
Fast forward to March 2013, I had a the brilliant idea of stopping my birth control. I had been taking it for a while and I had switched to a new around the time my hair was chopped off. I figured, I would stay off it for a month to see if maybe the pill was the culprit. I also figured I would be safe from pregnancy since I’ve been on it for so long, I thought it would last at least a month. Well ladies, not even a week. TA-DA I was pregnant. Within a month I found out I was pregnant, I didn’t have symptoms other than I was feeling bloated, and that’s not something normal for me. I decided to take a test just be sure pregnancy wasn’t the issue. I cried. I panicked. I wasn’t ready. But are we ever ready? You only realize what being a mother really is once you’re knee deep in it.
But I have to say I was made to be Nicolas’ mother. There’s no greater joy than to see his smiling face in the morning yapping away words that don’t make sense. It really has given my life new purpose and in some ways I am thankful for my mess of a hair. Without it I wouldn’t have become a mother, not by choice. I don’t think I would have ever had the courage to actually say LET’S HAVE A BABY. God had his plans and it happened when He wanted it, not when I saw fit.
What about you? Was it a conscious decision or was it an OOPS like my story was? I would love to hear your story in the comments below.
Thanks for stopping by!
Awwwww cute post ❤❤ being a mommy is great 😉 mine was totally an oops story too….lol… Glad it happened that way though because even though being mommy was always a plan… Someday… Up to me it probably would of been o next year… Not quite there yet… Maybe next… Lol… Now I have the cutest girl ever that I wouldn't trade for the world! Thank you universe ❤
Both my little girls were planned but it took 5 years of trying. 8 years later and I'm torn between trying again for a third or enjoying my two little blessings.
What a happy accident!
Best things ever. Thanks for stopping by!!
Then you'll get to enjoy the "trying" and hopefully a third little blessing!! Go on.. do it!!!
Thanks for taking the time to comment.
It sure was! Thank you.
Hehe lovely story, thanks for sharing.
Great story! I planned both of mine but surprises can be wonderful too. After having kids, my hair has gotten so much wavier.
I have four kids and literally only one of them has happened when I was trying to get pregnant. The rest of them were totally God – totally His plan and not mine. I can't help but think that's the way it's supposed to be. Your hair is beautiful by the way! 🙂
Haha-such a cute story! Both of mine were planned. If we have a third, it would be a definite oops! Lol!
This is such a cute story!!! Also, you, as well as your hair, are gorgeous!!! Thanks for sharing!
Crazy story!!!! With a cute delicious baby in the end! Ana Luiza foi planejada, mas eu me assustei de ter sido assim de primeira tentativa! Hehehe bjs!
Thank you for stopping in and giving it some love!
Thanks for stopping it. Honestly I should have posted a photo of my hair now.. Maybe I'll update it with a picture. It really is hilarious at how different the texture within my own head is.
FOUR? I think I'm stopping at one! I don't think I could handle it. You are a saint, woman! Thank you for stopping in!!!
Thank you. My sister was an oops too after my brother and me. She's lovely 🙂 hint hint
Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I do appreciate it.
LOL… quando eh pra ser… nao tem quem segure.