The Perfect Day
OK, now we all wish our babies just napped when we told them to, didn’t make a mess while eating and didn’t cry or complain. That is far from the case mama’s but there are days where things just seem to fall into place, or in our case DAY.
Case in point, this past Tuesday.
We woke up at our normal time, around 7 am, played a little, baby was fed and off to nap time he goes. HE SLEPT FOR OVER TWO HOURS! Something he barely ever does. I had my breakfast, cleaned up, worked on my blog and relaxed a bit – I even posted a Facebook post about how lovely long naps are! I honestly thought he’d know I was typing that and wake up. But no! Kept on sleeping.
So again, we did everything again. We played, he laughed, didn’t complain when I got up to do something else.. you know, something frivolous like peeing. 🙂 Little guy had three naps that day, one really long, one normal (1 hr or so) and a catnap (30-45 mins). Bedtime came around, and we did our thing. He had his bottle and fell right to sleep. AH! and it was 6:45 pm!!!
I was in heaven. It was so good, he didn’t even wake up in the middle of the night.
But come’s morning time and it’s clingy mode ON. I couldn’t do anything, I swear this kid had maybe 5 or 6 naps during the day. All short ones and all but one in my arms. I was so looking forward to bedtime, I was exhausted and beginning to come down with a cold. “The Perfect Day” had come and gone and left a path of disappointments for the following days to come.
Here’s to more perfect days ahead. They sure give me a breather from time to time. We all know how hard being a mom is.
Had any perfect days lately? or they are just all a big ball of blur? Let me know in the comments below. Until next time.
I did!!! Couple of weeks ago we had an amazing Sunday!!!! On the other hand I had a very tiring week this past week! Dad was out of town … Lots of birthday parties, out of routine schedules… Queria ter ido dormir em marte no sábado!!!!!
Depois desse dia soh piorou.. e muito.. acabei ficando doente..e ainda estou. Muito dificil cuidar dele quando tudo q eu quero eh ficar deitada. Mais faz parte. E agora eu acho q ele esta , num wonder week or growth spurt. Ficou um tempo sem querer comer muito.. agora parece que esta passando fome. Eu acho q ele vai da pulada boa essas semanas que vem.