You remember a time when taking a shower was just as easy as brushing your teeth? Well, that has become a thing of the past for me.
First time I tried to shower with no one in the house… Picture this… Humm baby is asleep. I’ll jump in and take a quick shower.
I’m pretty much done with shower, just removing conditioner out of my hair and I think I hear the baby cry… I turn off the water and yes… HE IS.
I panic a little and try to talk to him… I’m almost done baby… Hang on as if he cares what I’m doing. I get out of the shower half wrapped in the towel (I wouldn’t dare having the towel touch my nipples) hair dripping wet and pick up the baby… He cries even louder….I sing, I rock him… And he doesn’t let up… Maybe he’s hungry?
It hasn’t been that long but if all else fails stick a boob on him (works like a charm) by this time my towel has fallen off… Hair is still dripping and baby at my boob. So I sit down naked & wet and begin to call my husband … Are you almost here? I explain the story and he says 10 minutes.
So ok… I try to take Nicolas off the breast and he cries again… I just wanted to dry myself I was gonna feed him some more but nooooo… Stay put lady. Husband arrives and looks at me and says ” I’m going to jump in the shower and then I’ll get him” —- ummmm are you kidding me? But yep. That happened.
I ended up swearing to my child I would never shower again. His first broken promise. We’re gonna have a rough road ahead. Sorry kid.
Got any shower horror stories? Let me know below.

this was probably the funniest one haha.. gosh I'm anxious for these next couple of weeks